

顯示從 7月, 2023 起發佈的文章

Interior Design Preview(Enscape)
室内設計預覽 (Enscape)

Figure by Enscape Revit, typically known for its role in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) projects, has a hidden talent – interior design! This week, I had the opportunity to assist a friend in crafting the interior design of their house using Revit for 3D modeling and the "Enscape 3D" add-in for rendering. In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps and methods we employed. Revit通常以其在建築、工程和施工(AEC)項目中的角色而聞名,但它還有一個隱藏的才華 - 室內設計!本週,我有機會協助一位朋友使用Revit進行3D建模,以及使用"Enscape 3D"附加組件進行渲染,來打造他們房子的室內設計。在這篇博客文章中,我將指導您通過我們所使用的步驟和方法。 Acquiring the Enscape Trial Version: 獲取Enscape試用版: Begin by visiting the Enscape website at Enscape™ - Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Reality and registering as a trial user. Install the Enscape add-in for Revit. 首先,訪問Enscape網站,網址為Enscape™ - 實時渲染和虛擬現實,並註冊為試用用戶。 安裝Revit的Enscape附加組件。 Creating a Precise House Model: 創建準確的房屋模型: Start with drafting a 2D layout plan that accurately reflects the measurements and building layout pl

Model Progress (PowerBI)
模型進度 (PowerBI)

  In Hong Kong, every BIM Project should submit the As-build BIM model for future review or coordination. The as-build model should match with site. In order to monitor the as-build model progress of different company. A S-curve should be created to meet the time. In