

顯示從 7月, 2020 起發佈的文章

Model Issues Tracking (BIM Track)
模型問題追蹤 (BIM Track)

In the complex world of Building Information Modeling (BIM), where engineers, designers, and clients collaborate on intricate construction and design projects, a critical challenge arises: the identification and resolution of issues. These issues encompass a wide range of concerns, including modeling discrepancies, design flaws, and crucial comments. To navigate this landscape and expedite the seamless resolution of these issues among diverse stakeholders, a robust issue tracking process is essential. 在建築信息模擬(BIM)的複雜世界中,工程師、設計師和客戶共同合作進行精密的建設和設計項目,出現了一個關鍵挑戰:問題的識別和解決。這些問題涵蓋了一系列問題,包括建模不一致性、設計缺陷和重要評論。為了在不同利益相關者之間迅速解決這些問題,需要一個強大的問題跟蹤流程來引導這個過程。 Enter BIM Track, a powerful platform designed to streamline the issue management process within the realm of BIM. BIM Track serves as the cornerstone for efficiently tracking, storing, and facilitating the approval of issues that crop up during the modeling phase. Let's delve into the workflow and explore the benefits and limitations of this indis

QS Payroll of Structure (Revit)

5D cost analysis is a common use of BIM in construction. It involves inputting item costs into the model to estimate building material expenses. Additionally, it tracks construction progress, aiding Quantity Surveyors (QS) in monitoring costs. In this blog, I'll share a method for monitoring construction foundation costs. BIM 的常見應用之一是進行 5D 成本分析,通過在模型中輸入不同項目的成本來估算建築物的材料費用。此外,它還跟蹤施工進度,幫助工程量測師( QS )監控成本。在這篇博客中,我將分享一種監控地基建設成本的方法。 Creating the Foundation Model: 創建基礎模型: Before QS payroll, prepare a dynamic foundation model. Since designs and construction limits change, ensure it's adaptable. 在進行 QS 工資支付之前,應準備好一個靈活的地基模型。由於設計和施工限制經常變化,因此確保它具有適應性。 Creating a Schedule with Unique Marks: 創建帶有獨特標記的進度表: Generate a schedule for foundation items with status markers like "Constructed" (completed), "Test" (testing), "Failure" (demolished or rejected), and "Not Constructed" (not done). 生成基礎項目的進度表,其中包含 " 已建成 " (完成)、 " 測試 " (完成測試)