
Combined Builders Work Drawings Production (Revit)

Producing Combine Builders Work Drawings (CBWD) for opening construction is an intricate process that involves a harmonious collaboration of Architecture, Structure, and Building Services. CBWD encompasses various types of openings, such as wall openings (doors, windows, AC ducts, fire suppression pipes, etc.), slab openings (tower cranes, material hoists, AC risers, etc.), and beam openings (primarily for drain pipes). Throughout the CBWD workflow, each stakeholder plays a crucial role in ensuring that construction adheres to standards and client requirements. For example, architects specify door and window sizes, engineers assess the impact of openings on the main structure and provide calculations, and building services engineers reroute Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems to accommodate opening locations.
Creating this set of drawings is a complex task, demanding extensive coordination among diverse stakeholders. Traditional 2D sketches or AutoCAD often fall short in delivering the precision and efficiency needed. In such scenarios, Building Information Modeling (BIM) becomes an indispensable tool. In this blog, I'll share my method for CBWD production, particularly in design and build projects.

Initiating the CBWD Production Workflow:
Architect's Role 建築師的角色: 
The architect oversees the architectural model, encompassing walls, stairs, doors, windows, and floor finishes. They are responsible for reviewing and approving the architectural part of the drawing.
Structure Consultant's Role 結構顧問的角色: 
The structural consultant manages the structural model, which includes load-bearing walls, stairs, slabs, columns, and beams. They are responsible for reviewing and approving the structural portion of the drawing.
MEP Consultant's Role 機電顧問的角色: 
The MEP consultant handles the MEP model, which comprises ducts, pipes, drain points, trunking, and more. Their responsibility involves reviewing and approving the MEP section of the drawing.
Drawing Production Team 圖紙製作團隊: 
This team leverages the information from the models to produce elevations and layouts for drawing submission, ensuring drawing quality.

Applying the Concept: "Frozen Model" for Drawing Submission:
In a design and build project, daily changes to the model are inevitable. However, not all model changes are suitable or confirmed. To maintain drawing and model version consistency during the lengthy drawing submission process (typically 1 - 3 months), accepted model versions should be recorded in the drawing. The "frozen model" concept is crucial here. If a model update is accepted during the submission process to address approval parties' comments, it can be used to align with the latest changes.
在設計和建造項目中,模型的日常更改是不可避免的。然而,並非所有模型更改都適合或確定。為了在漫長的圖紙提交過程中(通常為1 - 3個月)保持圖紙和模型版本的一致性,應在圖紙中記錄接受的模型版本。這裡的「凍結模型」概念至關重要。如果在提交過程中接受了模型更新以應對審批方的意見,則可以使用該更新來對齊最新的更改。

Utilizing Revit for CBWD Production:
Create a Drawing Model 創建一個圖紙模型
Generate a drawing model and link all required models. All CBWD drawings will be stored within this model. Multiple drawing models can be created by level or builder if necessary.
Automate Layout and Wall Elevations 自動化布局和牆壁立面
Employ Dynamo to automatically create layouts based on building size and generate wall elevations. Rearrange layouts and elevations on drawing sheets using Dynamo.
Develop an Opening Model 開口模型的創建
Create an opening model to store data regarding door, MEP, and window openings. This model is invaluable for counting openings and ensuring safety compliance.
Automate Tagging 自動標記
Automatically tag essential information, such as S.F.L. (Slab Finished Level), F.F.L. (Floor Finished Level), R.C.L. (Roof Construction Level), door marks, window marks, opening sizes, and more.
Regularly Export Drawings 定期導出圖紙
Export drawings bi-weekly to account for human errors, Revit bugs, and model updates that may affect drawing content.
Monitor Drawing Changes with PDF Compare 使用PDF比較監視圖紙更改
During the approval process, drawing versions should remain frozen. Use tools like Bluecube to compare PDFs and track any alterations.

Addressing Issues During CBWD Production:
Challenges with Door Sizes 門尺寸的挑戰
Door sizes are often uncertain in the early stages of design and build projects. This uncertainty may be due to unique door sizes not available in the market or subcontractors not being finalized. To tackle this issue, create an opening model to accommodate such variations.
Approval Process Delays 審批過程的延遲
When the approval process experiences significant delays (up to 6 months), model updates can pose a challenge. Automation tools become crucial to reduce the time needed for rework.
Comments on Drawing Quality 與模型質量相關的圖紙評論
During the approval process, comments related to model quality are common but are often marked up on drawings without being communicated to the model team. Using BIM Track to store comments is vital for tracing related parties and resolving modeling issues.
在審批過程中,通常會對模型質量提出評論,但這些評論往往僅標記在圖紙上,而未通報給模型團隊解決問題。使用BIM Track等工具存儲評論對於追蹤相關方並解決建模問題至關重要。

Takeaways and Reflections:
Producing CBWD is a demanding task—complex, repetitive, and often monotonous. You'll invest significant time in repetitive tasks throughout the construction project's lifespan because CBWD is integral to front-line construction, where questions and issues frequently arise. Hence, I strongly recommend exploring automation tools and establishing an automated workflow for CBWD production. This approach not only improves efficiency but also enhances precision, making it more human-friendly.
In closing, the process of CBWD production with BIM is a transformative journey that requires a blend of expertise, automation, and adaptability. It's a vital aspect of modern construction that paves the way for seamless project execution. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips on mastering CBWD production with BIM.



What is Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
什麼是建築資訊模型 (BIM)?

In this blog, I will share my journey in the field of BIM (Building Information Modeling). I will review my evolving understanding and experiences with BIM technology since 2019, along with my learning and work experiences in the BIM field. From initially regarding BIM simply as a 3D modeling tool to applying BIM in projects to solve real-world problems, and then grasping the importance of BIM coordination and the challenges it entails. 在這篇博客中,我將分享我在 BIM (建築信息建模)領域的成長經歷。我將回顧從 2019 年以來,我對 BIM 技術的不同認知和理解,以及我在 BIM 領域的學習和工作經歷。從最初將 BIM 僅僅視為 3D 建模工具,到在項目中應用 BIM 來解決實際問題,再到了解 BIM 協調的重要性以及面臨的挑戰。 2019: Before 2019, my understanding of BIM was that it was a technology for creating 3D models using BIM software like Revit, ArchiCAD, and Tekla. 在 2019 年之前,我對 BIM 的理解是它是一種由 BIM 軟件如 Revit 、 ArchiCAD 和 Tekla 等創建的 3D 模型。 2020: As I began participating in a large-scale BIM project, I learned to adapt to the needs of managers and engineers. During this time, I realized that BIM was a technology aimed at re

Interior Design Preview(Enscape)
室内設計預覽 (Enscape)

Figure by Enscape Revit, typically known for its role in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) projects, has a hidden talent – interior design! This week, I had the opportunity to assist a friend in crafting the interior design of their house using Revit for 3D modeling and the "Enscape 3D" add-in for rendering. In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps and methods we employed. Revit通常以其在建築、工程和施工(AEC)項目中的角色而聞名,但它還有一個隱藏的才華 - 室內設計!本週,我有機會協助一位朋友使用Revit進行3D建模,以及使用"Enscape 3D"附加組件進行渲染,來打造他們房子的室內設計。在這篇博客文章中,我將指導您通過我們所使用的步驟和方法。 Acquiring the Enscape Trial Version: 獲取Enscape試用版: Begin by visiting the Enscape website at Enscape™ - Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Reality and registering as a trial user. Install the Enscape add-in for Revit. 首先,訪問Enscape網站,網址為Enscape™ - 實時渲染和虛擬現實,並註冊為試用用戶。 安裝Revit的Enscape附加組件。 Creating a Precise House Model: 創建準確的房屋模型: Start with drafting a 2D layout plan that accurately reflects the measurements and building layout pl