
What is Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
什麼是建築資訊模型 (BIM)?

In this blog, I will share my journey in the field of BIM (Building Information Modeling). I will review my evolving understanding and experiences with BIM technology since 2019, along with my learning and work experiences in the BIM field. From initially regarding BIM simply as a 3D modeling tool to applying BIM in projects to solve real-world problems, and then grasping the importance of BIM coordination and the challenges it entails.

Before 2019, my understanding of BIM was that it was a technology for creating 3D models using BIM software like Revit, ArchiCAD, and Tekla.

As I began participating in a large-scale BIM project, I learned to adapt to the needs of managers and engineers. During this time, I realized that BIM was a technology aimed at reducing reliance on AutoCAD, hand-drawn sketches, and minimizing uncertainties. It proved to be a simplifying solution for project members to address issues.
My daily work involved coordination with engineers to find BIM solutions for various tasks. I understood the importance of workflows and responsibilities in problem-solving. In this year, I recognized that coordination was a key skill for BIM professionals.

Challenges arose when attempting to promote BIM technology. Some people were hesitant to embrace new methods that required learning, especially frontline workers. They preferred traditional approaches such as sketching and mark-ups rather than using computers or mobile devices for information exchange.

Project managers started adopting BIM technology, replacing previous methods of handling tasks through PowerPoint, drawings, Excel, and mark-ups. I realized that BIM was not limited to 3D modeling; it could also replace traditional reporting methods for safety, submissions, site progress, and more.

Takeaways and Impressions:
I am excited about choosing a career in the BIM field, which has a promising future. There are various paths for BIM professionals, and I hope this technology will contribute to realizing my dreams.



Combined Builders Work Drawings Production (Revit)

Producing Combine Builders Work Drawings (CBWD) for opening construction is an intricate process that involves a harmonious collaboration of Architecture, Structure, and Building Services. CBWD encompasses various types of openings, such as wall openings (doors, windows, AC ducts, fire suppression pipes, etc.), slab openings (tower cranes, material hoists, AC risers, etc.), and beam openings (primarily for drain pipes). Throughout the CBWD workflow, each stakeholder plays a crucial role in ensuring that construction adheres to standards and client requirements. For example, architects specify door and window sizes, engineers assess the impact of openings on the main structure and provide calculations, and building services engineers reroute Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing ( MEP) systems to accommodate opening locations. 製作合併建造工程圖(CBWD)以進行開口建設是一個複雜的過程,需要建築、結構和建築服務的協同合作。CBWD包括各種類型的開口,如牆壁開口(門、窗戶、空調管道、消防供水管道等)、板條開口(塔吊、物料提升機、空調升降機等)和梁開口(主要用於排水管道)。在整個CBWD工作流程中,每個利益相關者都在確保建設符合標準和客戶要求方面發揮

Interior Design Preview(Enscape)
室内設計預覽 (Enscape)

Figure by Enscape Revit, typically known for its role in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) projects, has a hidden talent – interior design! This week, I had the opportunity to assist a friend in crafting the interior design of their house using Revit for 3D modeling and the "Enscape 3D" add-in for rendering. In this blog post, I will guide you through the steps and methods we employed. Revit通常以其在建築、工程和施工(AEC)項目中的角色而聞名,但它還有一個隱藏的才華 - 室內設計!本週,我有機會協助一位朋友使用Revit進行3D建模,以及使用"Enscape 3D"附加組件進行渲染,來打造他們房子的室內設計。在這篇博客文章中,我將指導您通過我們所使用的步驟和方法。 Acquiring the Enscape Trial Version: 獲取Enscape試用版: Begin by visiting the Enscape website at Enscape™ - Real-Time Rendering and Virtual Reality and registering as a trial user. Install the Enscape add-in for Revit. 首先,訪問Enscape網站,網址為Enscape™ - 實時渲染和虛擬現實,並註冊為試用用戶。 安裝Revit的Enscape附加組件。 Creating a Precise House Model: 創建準確的房屋模型: Start with drafting a 2D layout plan that accurately reflects the measurements and building layout pl